Institute of Complex Medical Engineering Institute of Complex Medical Engineering

History and Development of ICME

In 2004 we visited Prof. Mark Hallett and Prof. Nishikawa to discuss the idea of ICME. The First International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME2005) was successfully held in Japan 2005, and the ICME was also founded during the conference. 264 participants joined CME2005, and 211 papers were presented on the conference. The First Symposium on Complex Medical Engineering was held in Kyoto, Japan 2006. We published a book, Complex Medical Engineering by Springer Tokyo 2007. IEEE/ICME International Conferences on Complex Medical Engineering (CME2007) was held in Beijing, China. We have got about 420 final papers for CME2007, the paper acceptance rate is about 70%. The Second Symposium on Complex Medical Engineering will be also held in Japan, 2008. Until now, we have held 15 International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering.