Institute of Complex Medical Engineering Institute of Complex Medical Engineering

About Us

Complex Medical Engineering

Complex does not only mean something difficult to understand, but also consisting of many parts that are closely related. Complex Medical Engineering (CME) consists of neuroscience, neurology, biomedical robotics and biomedical informatics, using medical and engineering methods to understand the complex system of human neural mechanisms, and to apply the basic findings to technology. CME means Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering.

Purpose of Institute of Complex Medical Engineering

Institute of Complex Medical Engineering (ICME) is a non-profit society (organization). The purpose of the society shall be to promote the scientific research and industrial development in the field of complex medical engineering. To this end, ICME shall bring together researchers from diverse fields of neuroscience and biomedical engineering. ICME is expected to stimulate the future research and development of new theory, new approach, and new tools, to grow the new field of Complex Medical Engineering.